Last Thursday at D’ELE Studio, we were proud to host an evening of talks on the topic of “Vision to Visual”. We had invited four incredible artists and studios from around the globe to discuss their thoughts on the creative process and the challenges they face today, with an eye on both creation and execution. All at the very forefront of their respective fields.

Group Photo of Speakers and D’ELE Management team.
*from left to right: Xiaodi/producer @D’ELE, JinGe/speaker from IDEO, Dragos Traistaru/founder of Carioca, Ele Jin/founder of D’ELE, Sergio del Puerto/founder of Serial Cut, EB/founder of M-I-E, Michael Ashford/producer@D’ELE, Eric Zheng/producer@D’ELE, Andrea Bertuzzi/founder of 1806
During the speech, our dearest guest speakers from IDEO, Serail Cut, M-I-E and Carioca Studio has shared their observation, insight, projects and creative practice with our local friends in advertising industry, leading us through some thought provoking and eye opening topics.
Jin Ge talked about his observation, research of today’s media landscape. He has brought us questions as well as inspirations about content creation in the current trends.
“这次论坛的内容融合了社会洞察、创意流程和艺术探索,是一次难得的跨界头脑碰撞的盛会。从每个艺术家的无私分享中,我受益匪浅。还要感谢主办方营造的轻松气氛,美味的饮食款待,和别出心裁纪念礼盒,在每一个细节上我们都看到了主办方的用心” – Jin Ge
Sergio from Serial Cut has shared their latest reel with us and explained their style, process of how they make images.
“I realized that events like this should happen more frequently. The organization and the audience were so open and kind to learn more from Serial Cut´s work. When is the next one?”
“I really want it! More Asia events! Hehe” – Sergio del Puerto
EB from M-I-E has shared their studio testing works, and also for the first time, the 2D version MV for George Michael’s December Song.
– EB

Dragos Traistaru, the creative director & photographer from Carioca talked about their visual solutions of the world winning advertising images, and also revealed their latest art works, one of the trilogy, “Death by Dimonds & Pearls”
“It was a great event, and great opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, the networking was invaluable
The lectures were very informative and the quality of the work shown were all at a very high standard. I had a great time sharing our works in front of audience who participate at the event.” – Dragos Traistaru
Here are some photos at the party, thanks all for coming to our event! Wish to see you again soon in 2016!