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Keeping you upto date with all thats new with our artists


1 November, 2020

L'Oreal Hydra Fresh Anti-ox Product Stills, photographed by Sun Yihui

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1 November, 2020

Honor Magic Book Print Campaign, photographed by Sun Yihui

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1 November, 2020

Marubi x Murakami Takashi Animation, directed by Future Power Station

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31 October, 2020

Stella Artois Print Campaign, photographed by Ele Jin


30 October, 2020

Hennessy Mid-Autum Festival Print Campaign, photographed by Shu Akashi

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26 October, 2020

Fresh Hippo "0" Collection Launch Animation, created by FPS

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21 July, 2020

Tongyi Tomato King Animation, directed by He MengHong, animation by Believe

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12 June, 2020

L'Oreal Hydra Fresh Anti-Ox Barrier Product KV, photographed by Sun Yihui

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28 May, 2020

Adidas Edge Brand Campaign, directed by Yezi, photographed by Ruud Baan

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28 May, 2020

Tmall 618 Print Campaign, photographed by Ele Jin


27 May, 2020

HONOR life Print Campaign, photographed by Ele Jin


23 May, 2020

Yili ZhenNong Milk Social Campaign, photographed by Yin Chao


23 May, 2020

CLINIQUE Print Campaign Featuring Gao Yuanyuan, photographed by Charles Guo


5 May, 2020

JD Foodie Carnival Animation, by Future Power Station


27 March, 2020

LILANZ x CHINADAILY Print Campaign, photographed by Sun Yihui

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5 March, 2020

Elle Deco x Hermes Passifolia, concept by Hu Rong, photographed by Sun Yihui, Animation by Ele Jin