Latest Campaign
Commissioned work for Axa Seguros, Duracell, Hakle, Play Doh, Roger Dubuis, and more.

Award Winning Works
Cannes Lions award winning works from 2012-2015, inlcuding campaigns for Ecofill, Colgate, KitKat, Mercedes,

Step into the fantasy land of Salamagica

A gallery of campaigns all revolving around a water theme
About Salamagica
Salamagica is a CGI and Photography Production Studio specialized in advertising, working with agencies, clients and independent producers worldwide.
The studio has offered their services and experience since 2008, innovating and incorporating old and new methods to create unique pieces, ranging from classic hand-drawn artwork and airbrush, to 3D modeling.
Salamagica’s mission is to be a distinctive complement to convey ideas. Through our work, we reflect that each graphic piece is achieved with dedication, passion and skill.
“Every job is a new challenge and no job is equal to another. We are like artists painting a masterpiece. Each work is different from the other. That’s our talent, our inspiration, our engine and what sets us apart”.
Salamagica identifies with the saying “practice makes the master”, which inspires them in the constant use of various techniques such as illustration, photography, photomontage, and CGI, among others. The mixture of all these tools and talent, results in a unique and powerful product.
Studio Link: http://www.salamagica.com/

Commissioned work for Mazda, Goodyear, Mustang, and an ice-skating Transformer, among other things.

Landscape & Architecture
A tidal wave of military vehicles, the Eiffel Tower, a wasteland, a Playstation control, and more in this gallery.

Animals & Creatures
Here you’ll find almost every animal you can think of in Salamagica’s unique rendering.