3D Illustration

About Jenue
Álvaro Matas or better known as Jenue, is a Spanish Artist and Art director, currently based in London. He makes playful images for editorials, music, and advertisements with his own colourful view and style.
He is in love with creating words and images, where art and design make a big difference and go further from traditional typography. Always keen to approach new ways to produce beautiful images and forever curious to explore new treatments, Jenue is excited to generate shapes and mix textures to produce compositions as never seen before!
Selected Clients: J&B Whiskey, Nickelodeon, FutureNet, Electrosplash Festival, Studio Moross, Aiga Design, 3d Artist Magazine, Sean Freeman, Avenue Studio, Wired, Xenos, Mother London, Ambar Beer, DDB Group.
Press: Design Collector – Domestika – Digital Arts – Aiga Design – Inspiration Grid – MachoDominante – FormFiftyFive –Designer Daily
Personal Link: http://www.jenue.net/