Here you find a selection of Illusion's major award winning works, including Cannes, D&AD, Epica, Clio Awards and many more.

Here you will meet Illusion's animal characters, including Bill Gates in his next llama life, and find out what Donald Trump would look like if he was an owl.

3D 雕塑
Many of Illusion's works are like micro sculptures, such as the famous "Samsonite: heaven and hell" campaign, and the "Colosseum inside a tooth" for Maxam toothpaste.
关于 Illusion
Illusion 是一家位于泰国曼谷的 CGI 工作室。由 Surachai Puthikulangkura 于2001年创立,他们的团队由一批专精于电脑绘画的创意数码艺术家们组成。
他们除了对 CGI 和后期制作拥有最先进的专业技能之外,更加注重于对画面的艺术创新以及对作品背后的原创概念的关注,以使每一个画面达到最佳的视觉效果。
Illusion 将持之以恒地致力于提供业内最高品质的作品,在严格把控制作周期的同时,为每一个工作提供最佳的视觉解决方案。
工作室的链接: http://www.illusion.co.th/

Illusion, Bangkok was awarded 23 Grand Prixs from multiple advertising festivals such as:
Grand Prix Print BAD
Grand Prix Adfest
Grand Prix Print Adman
Grand Prix Print Cannes Lions
Grand Print LIA
3 Grand Prix Spikes Asia
2 Grand Prix Longxi
WPPED Cream Awards
Grand Prix China 4A’s
Grand Prix Adfest
2 Grand Prix Dubai Lynx
3 D&AD Yellow Pencils
Gold Illustration Cannes Lions
Grand Prix Mobius
Grand Prix AD Stars
Grand Prix Print Creative Circle
Grand Prix Print BAD
Gold Illustration Cannes Lions
Grand Prix Caribe
3 Grand Prix Adfest
Grand Print Clio
Best of show Print&Outdoor OneShow
Under the leadership of Surachai Puthikulangkura, Illusion, Bangkok was awarded as Production Company of The Year from Clio Award in 2015.
Production Company of the Year from Adfest in 2013, 2014, 2016. And CGI company of the Year, 4 years in a roll, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 from Oneeyeland.
Since 2013 till now, Illusion, Bangkok was the ranked to be the best Illustrator in the world by Lürzer’s Archive.

Landscape & Fantasy
Witness the famous bended cityscape of Batelco and experience “The End of the Insects’ World” of the ARS Jet-Pro campaign, and much more!

This gallery includes a variety of CGI and creative retouching ad campaigns.

汽 车
Advertising Campaigns for Nissan, Mazda, Goodyear, Mercedes-Benz, Toyota, and Chevrolet.